Window Signage
Permitted Tenant Window Signage
The CBC tenant identification sign is 18” x 36” and is constructed of plywood and Plexiglas and aluminum edging. The edging and back of sign is Black; the Plexiglas background is Light Gray; the CBC logo copy is Black; the separating stripe is the color of the stripe actually on the building the premises is located in; the identification copy may be whatever color the tenant chooses.
Building Facia Sign Criteria
The facia (building surface) signage must have Owner’s written approval and comply with Loma Linda’s Sign Ordinance #370. When two (2) or more uses or occupancies are located on a single lot or parcel, each occupant shall be allocated a proportionate share of the total permitted sign area, at the discretion of the owner, as determined by the following formula: Front Footage of Individual Occupancy x Total Width of Parcel/Total Front Footage of combined Occupancy (Total Building Width).
Letters are to be individual (no box cabinets allowed except in the case of small logos alongside sign). Can be out of various materials but must have acrylic faces and trim cap. The sign must be limited to four (4) colors and can be lit or not. It must be placed on facia above tenants actual rented premises and entrance. Lettering on glass is not allowed.
Tenant must pay a deposit at time of approval for removal of sign upon lease termination.
Any deviations from the above will not be allowed and will be considered a default under the Lease. Should you have any questions, please contact the Management Office at (909) 796-0183.